Webhooks are notifications about API events, sent as they occur. Whenever a transaction made by the card, we will send you a transaction event, but before we can do that, you'll need to tell us your valid https endpoint, so we can send the event to you

You can set transaction Webhook URL on your Monit dashboard. Monit will include callback token for every callback in CALLBACK-TOKEN header for client verification.



If you want to include an HTTPS endpoint it must be configured with a trusted CA signed SSL certificate, not a self signed certificate.

For Webhook POSTs, Monit listens for the following codes from your server and reacts accordingly:

  • If Monit receives a 200 (Success) code it will determine the webhook POST is successful and not retry.
  • If Monit doesn't receives a 200 code, Monit will determine the POST is rejected and not retry.

For any other code, Monit will retry POSTing according to the schedule below for Webhooks other than the delivery notification.

If your application is unable to process the webhook request but you do not return a 406 error code, Monit will retry during 4 hours at the following intervals before stop trying: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hour and 4 hours. You can also manual trigger via Monit Webapp on API Callbacks menu.

Please see on Webhook Category for the details.