Monit API using default and conventional HTTP status code for success and failed request.

Status CodeDescription
400Bad Request
404API or resource not found
405Method not allowed
409Conflict or duplicate request
500Monit Server Error

We also provide extra information on body response, some endpoint will provide extra field, please see request example.

error_codeString (Required)Error code
messageString (Required)Description
detailHashmap (Only if system detect validation error){"field": "description"}

Error code for general API

INVALID_API_KEYClient ID or/and Client secret are invalid.
INVALID_SIGNATURESignature is invalid or not found.
API_VALIDATION_ERRORThe request failed because it contained an invalid parameter or parameter value.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERRORMonit server is failed to process the request.
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWEDThe HTTP method associated with the request is not supported.
API_NOT_FOUNDThe requested operation failed because a resource associated with the request could not be found.
ACCOUNT_IS_NOT_FOUNDRequest failed because the specific account is not found.
INVALID_INQUIRYInquiry request invalid because the request data is not valid.
INVALID_PAYMENTPayment request invalid because the request data is not valid.
DUPLICATE_TRANSACTIONTransaction cannot be processed because duplicate with existing reference.
CARD_IS_NOT_FOUNDRequest failed because the specific card is not found.
INSUFFICIENT_BALANCERequest failed because balance is not enough.
API_IS_DISABLEDSpecific API is disable, please contact Monit support for the details.