Monit API using default and conventional HTTP status code for success and failed request.
Status Code | Description |
200 | Success |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
404 | API or resource not found |
405 | Method not allowed |
409 | Conflict or duplicate request |
500 | Monit Server Error |
We also provide extra information on body response, some endpoint will provide extra field, please see request example.
Parameter | Type | Value |
error_code | String (Required) | Error code |
message | String (Required) | Description |
detail | Hashmap (Only if system detect validation error) | {"field": "description"} |
Error code for general API
error_code | status_code | Descrption |
INVALID_API_KEY | 401 | Client ID or/and Client secret are invalid. |
INVALID_SIGNATURE | 401 | Signature is invalid or not found. |
API_VALIDATION_ERROR | 400 | The request failed because it contained an invalid parameter or parameter value. |
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | 500 | Monit server is failed to process the request. |
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED | 405 | The HTTP method associated with the request is not supported. |
API_NOT_FOUND | 404 | The requested operation failed because a resource associated with the request could not be found. |
RESOURCE_IS_NOT_FOUND | 404 | Request failed because the specific resource is not found. |
INVALID_INQUIRY | 400 | Inquiry request invalid because the request data is not valid. |
INVALID_PAYMENT | 400 | Payment request invalid because the request data is not valid. |
DUPLICATE_TRANSACTION | 409 | Transaction cannot be processed because duplicate with existing reference. |
INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE | 400 | Request failed because balance is not enough. |
API_IS_DISABLED | 403 | Specific API is disable, please contact Monit support for the details. |