Details of the card data.

IDString UUIDCard Identifier from Monit system.
card_nameStringCard's name.
card_networkStringCard's network, MASTERCARD or VISA.
last_numberStringLast four digit of card number.
card_mechanismStringCREDIT or DEBIT, currently our API only support creating DEBIT card.
card_statusStringPENDING, ACTIVE or FROZEN.
card_typeStringPHYSICAL or VIRTUAL.
card_activity_typeStringON_DEMAND or RECURRING
hold_amountFloatHold amount from reversal transaction or purchase return.
balanceFloatCard balance.
limitObject (nullable)Limit that applied to card.
fundingObjectAccount that act as source of fund for card.
cardholderObjectBasic info of the card holder.


Currently, our API support 3 types of limit for debit card: daily, weekly and monthly. Each of limit will be affected to available balance value. The value balance from card object represent the exact balance of the card, for example if you add balance to card from IDR 0 to IDR 100.000, balance value will be IDR 100.000, and if you purchase something with card for IDR 50.000, the balance value will be IDR 50.000. If limit applied to card, for example with type weekly limit IDR 80.000, then your available balance will be IDR 30.000 for this week. Please to remember that available balance is not always be the same as balance, and you cannot spend all of your balance in card if the usage of the period you set has reach the limit even if your balance is sufficient. You also cannot purchase something higher than your balance even if your limit amount is sufficient.

Limit Object

amountNumberLimit amount.
periodStringPeriod that will applied to card, valid value are DAILY, WEEKLY or MONTHLY.
available_balanceNumberAvailable balance on that period. Limit amount - usage on that period.

Funding Object

idString UUIDID of account that linked to card.
display_nameStringDisplay name of account.
currencyStringCurrency of account, currently we only support IDR.
statusStringStatus of account, see on Account Object for details.

Card Holder

idString UUIDID of user as card holder.
full_nameStringFull name of user