Request Body for decline transaction (card transaction)

  "data": {
    "code": "{error_code}",
    "card_id": "0d91a7db-c800-02c1-2210-4ae200c06871",
    "description": "{error description}",
    "merchant": "Facebook Ads",
    "amount": 10.98,
    "currency": "USD",
  "event_id": "0db7065a-c600-3af4-5b70-cea00aa226f3",
  "timestamp": "2024-04-30 21:30:02",
  "event_type": "TRANSACTION",
  "is_sandbox": false,
  "event_detail": "DECLINED_TRANSACTION"

event_idString UUIDEvent's unique identifier
event_typeStringEvent type for decline transaction is always TRANSACTION
event_detailStringEvent detail for decline transaction is always DECLINED_TRANSACTION
timestampDatetimeDate time for event using format YYYY-mm-DD HH:MM:SS
dataObjectContain detail of event
codeStringError code, see table below.
descriptionStringError description, see table below
card_idString UUIDCard unique identifier
merchantStringMerchant description
amountFloatFailed amount (merchant currency)
currencyStringMerchant currency code (ISO 4217)
Error CodeDescriptionHandling suggestion
REFER_TO_CARD_ISSUERRefer to card issuerContact Monit customer service
INVALID_MERCHANTInvalid merchantCheck merchant lock settings on Monit dashboard.
DO_NOT_HONORDo not honorContact Monit customer service
PARTIAL_APPROVEPartial approvalContact Monit customer service
INVALID_TRANSACTIONInvalid transactionContact Monit customer service
INVALID_AMOUNTInvalid amountCheck card spending type, make sure that card is unlocked.
INVALID_CARD_NUMBERInvalid card numberCheck card details.
INVALID_ISSUERInvalid issuerContact Monit customer service
FORMAT_ERRORFormat ErrorContact Monit customer service
INSUFFICIENT_FUNDSInsufficient fundsCheck card balance and limit settings and make sure that card is unfrozen.
EXPIRED_CARDExpired cardContact Monit customer service to extend card expiry date
INVALID_PINInvalid PINCheck card details.
TRANSACTION_NOT_PERMITTEDTransaction not permitted to cardholderContact Monit customer service
EXCEEDS_LIMITExceeds withdrawal limitContact Monit customer service
RESTRICTED_CARDRestricted cardContact Monit customer service
SECURITY_VIOLATIONSecurity violationContact Monit customer service
PIN_NOT_CHANGEDPIN not changedCurrently our card does not support for PIN transactions
PIN_TRIES_EXCEEDEDAllowable number of PIN tries exceededCurrently our card does not support for PIN transactions
ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUNDInvalid/nonexistent “To Account” specified or Invalid/nonexistent “From Account” specified or Invalid/nonexistent “Account Type” specifiedCheck merchant validity.
DOMESTIC_NOT_ALLOWEDDomestic transactions not allowedCheck merchant location.
INVALID_AUTHInvalid Authorization Life CycleCurrently our card does not support for PIN transactions
NOT_DECLINEDNot declined (Valid for all zero amount transactions)Contact Monit customer service
PIN_VALIDATION_NOT_POSSIBLEPIN validation not possibleCurrently our card does not support for PIN transactions
PURCHASE_AMOUNT_ONLYPurchase amount onlyContact Monit customer service
CRYPTOGRAPHIC_FAILURECryptographic failureContact Monit customer service
CANNOT_VERIFY_PINUnacceptable PIN—Transaction Declined—RetryCurrently our card does not support for PIN transactions
ISSUER_DOWNIssuer or switch inoperativeContact Monit customer service
UNABLE_TO_ROUTEUnable to routeContact Monit customer service
DUPLICATE_TRANSACTIONDuplicate TransmissionContact Monit customer service
SYSTEM_ERRORSystem malfunctionContact Monit customer service